親愛的父母和監護人, 如果您想在今晚的PA會議(4月20日,星期二,晚上7點)上進行普通話翻譯,請使用以下電話號碼: 中文翻譯請撥; + 19292056099,,95811389428#,,, * 251394# 會議編號:95811389428 密碼:251394 如果您想為明天晚上的“隱藏的Ivies”面板(4月21日,星期三,晚上7點)進行普通話翻譯,請在另一台設備上使用以下信息。請注意,不會記錄此事件。 中文翻譯請撥; 會議ID:2021年4月21日,東部時間(美國和加拿大) 加入Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92921855331?pwd=bWc2SzR5M09hTFdhWDRaWUtrMGNjQT09 Dear parents and guardians, If you would like to have Mandarin translation for tonight’s PA Meeting (Tuesday, April 20 at 7pm), please use the phone number below: 中文翻译请拨; +19292056099,,95811389428#,,,,*251394# 会议ID:95811389428 密码:251394 If you would like Mandarin translation for tomorrow night’s Hidden Ivies Panel (Wednesday, April 21 at 7pm), please use the information below on a second device. Please note there will not be a recording of this event. 中文翻译请拨; 会议ID: Apr 21, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92921855331?pwd=bWc2SzR5M09hTFdhWDRaWUtrMGNjQT09 Ms. Dina Ingram Director of Family Engagement Stuyvesant High School 347-224-6673 cell 212-312-4800 ext. 2731 office (M-F 8am-4pm) ringram3@schools.nyc.gov<mailto:ringram3@schools.nyc.gov> www.stuy.edu<http://www.stuy.edu> Read my Blog<https://talos.stuy.edu/hera/blog/feed> on talos.stuy.edu<http://talos.stuy.edu> Follow Stuyvesant on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/StuyNYC/> @StuyNYC or Twitter<https://twitter.com/StuyNY> @StuyNY or Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/stuyvesanths_nyc/?hl=en> @Stuyvesanths_NY “This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential or privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not an intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message."
participants (1)
Ingram Realdina