THE FOLLOWING EMAIL WAS SENT TO YOUR CHILD. THIS IS A COURTESY COPY. Remember, parents/guardians cannot view or submit programming selection requests -- only student Talos accounts may.

May 12, 2023

Dear Students (this email will be copied to parents/guardians), 

As a reminder, the Advanced Placement (AP) request process for students in Grades 9-11 (current Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors) Advanced Placement (AP) will close on Sunday, May 14, 2023 at 11:59pm. Do not wait until the last minute to save your selections on

If you have not done so already, it¡¯s important that you thoroughly read and review the key information below, including descriptions and required prerequisites/eligibility needed for the respective course/s, so you are prepared and well-informed to submit your preferences correctly and by the deadlines. Your preferences are used to build your overall student program--we build student programs by prioritizing graduation requirements and by giving each student a minimum of 7.5 periods (Physical Education and Lunch included).

You may view the following information to further assist you:


  1. May 14, 2023 (11:59 pm)

    • Deadline to submit AP course preferences in Talos

  2. May 18, 2023 (11:59 pm)

    • Deadline to fill out the Z-QT10 form for PSAL student athletes, who may need to travel during 10th period to attend practices and/or competitions

  3. May 24, 2024

    • Elective course preference form in Talos available to students following the order below:

      • 12:00 pm ?C Rising seniors

      • 3:00 pm ?C Rising juniors

      • 6:00 pm ?C Rising sophomores

    • NOTE:  Students will see their respective AP course preferences in which they are approved for in their Talos accounts. Students should use this information when considering ranking their elective choices.

It is important to note the AP and Electives course preference process occurs in Talos. When the AP and Elective preference forms are released in Talos on the designated date/times, you will have the opportunity to fill out the course preference form to inform the school of the AP and/or Elective courses you would prefer to take for next school year. Please be aware no student is guaranteed a seat in a course until student programs are finalized, which will be available in September 2023. 

Review the list of AP course titles and the list of Elective course titles to explore the courses and prerequisites/eligibility requirements.

The total number of AP courses you are eligible to request is based on your Stuyvesant GPA.The Stuyvesant GPA is defined as the GPA you have earned from classes taken at Stuyvesant only--not middle school grades, even if they appear on your high school transcript.

*Total Number of AP Courses Allowed


Up to 1 AP Course

GPA < 88

Up to 2 AP Courses

88 ¡Ü GPA < 93

Up to 3 AP Courses

93 ¡Ü GPA < 95

Up to 4 AP Courses

GPA ¡İ 95



  • If the next Math course in your sequence is AP Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus AB, or AP Statistics, it will not count toward your overall AP limit.  You will get an extra section, titled AP MATH, to select it.  AP Calculus BC will be counted toward the number of AP classes allowed. 

  • If you wish to apply to more than one AP Math course, the additional AP Math course will count toward your AP limit.

  • Students who require an AP World Language course to complete their three-year sequence in Stuyvesant for the Advanced Regents Diploma (including the Stuy Endorsement) will NOT have an AP World Language course counted in the total number of AP courses allowed. You will get an extra section, titled AP WORLD LANGUAGE, to select it. However, if a rising senior has completed their three-year sequence and is choosing to take AP World Language in their fourth year, this course will be counted in their AP course total.

  • Students who request 4 or more AP courses will be reviewed by the Administration, Guidance, and teachers to ensure the student will be able to handle the academic course load (homework, classwork, etc) and expectations. 

  • Reminder: Your course preferences are used to build your overall student program--we build student programs by prioritizing graduation requirements and by giving each student a minimum of 7.5 periods (Physical Health and Lunch included). 


Review the instructions below including screenshots to understand how to submit your course preferences in Talos. Students will not see the available screens in Talos until we open up the AP course preferences request on May 1. REMINDER: Course selection is NOT First Come First Serve basis--you do NOT get preference if you are the first one to finish your selections, so take your time determining which courses you would prefer to request

You should see three tabs: Dashboard; Grades; and Graduation Requirements.

Dashboard is an overview and contains your current choices, your schedule, and your course applications (see below).

Grades tab has your transcript data and is used to determine your eligibility to select certain courses.Once you are on the Grades tab, click the drop down under ALL SCHOOLS and choose 02M475, so that you are viewing only Stuyvesant grades.

The Graduation Requirements tab contains a button named Course Selection Form.  It will appear when the selection starts.  Before then, you will not be able to locate it.

Please consult the course eligibility rule, found by searching the course on the course list (located in the menu on the left).  IMPORTANT:  The Talos course selection options include a ¡°waitlist¡± option. This option should not be used to add courses that you cannot qualify for (i.e. a rising sophomore applying for an AP that is available only to seniors). If you do not meet the grade requirements for a course, you will see a WAITLIST option. Both the regular list and waitlist will be provided to the department chairs so they can select students for their courses. You should  only rank each AP course one time. Duplicating a course in your rankings does not increase your chances of placement. ¡°No Choice¡±  should be selected if there is no other course listed that meets your interest and/or you do not have a preference. 

For rising juniors and seniors, there are two steps to completing your AP English selection: 

Step 1: You must rank AP English in the AP Courses section. 

Step 2: Rank your AP English course options.  

If you did not rank AP English, you will not be considered for any of the choices you¡¯ve selected in the AP English section. If you did select AP English but did not rank the AP English choices then you will be not considered for any of the choice options. 

Finally, please note, this is a preference form only. No request is binding and no student is guaranteed a seat in a course.  Again, this is a preference form only. No request is binding and no student is guaranteed a seat in a course. 

If there is an issue with not seeing an AP course or the waitlist option, please email

Stay well,
Stuyvesant High School

Dina Ingram
Business Manager/Director of Family Engagement

Stuyvesant High School 

212-312-4800 ext. 2731 - Office

347-224-6673  - Mobile 

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