Good afternoon parents & guardians,

I hope you are having a wonderful and relaxing summer! We are looking forward to welcoming students back to Stuyvesant soon, especially our incoming freshmen this Fall. We need your help! Camp Stuy for incoming parents and guardians will take place on Thursday, August 29 at Stuyvesant from 8:30am to 1pm. We need an army of volunteers to assist us with this annual event! We want to welcome our families and provide them with information as well as answer their questions. There will be break-out sessions by homeroom led by our Big Sibs and our parents! Please volunteer to help us welcome them and share your Stuy experiences!

You can find out all the information and specifics of what we need and how you can help us at this link to sign up. We need at least 60 volunteers to make this a successful event and appreciate your time and dedication!

Please note that if you have an incoming freshman or a sophomore just beginning at Stuy this Fall; we welcome you to this orientation as a guest and not a volunteer. 

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

Dina Ingram
Business Manager/
Director of Family Engagement
Stuyvesant High School 
212-312-4800 ext. 2731 - Office
347-224-6673  - Mobile