Good morning families,

We are eager to see you again in person at tomorrow’s Stuy 101 Family Engagement Workshop on. Thursday, September 28, 2023. We will open doors at 5:45pm. Please enter the main entrance at 345 Chambers Street. The Parent’s Association will be hosting refreshments and mingling in the lobby and we will have a Get to Know you Bingo game with prizes. We encourage you to get to know one another and create lasting bonds with your families of your student’s classmates!

We will begin the presentation at 6:30pm in the theater. ASL and Mandarin interpretation will be provided for this event. There will not be a remote option or a recording, so we encourage you to attend if possible. Principal Yu will go over expectations this year and our policies for grading, academic honesty, and more. Assistant Principals, Casey Pedrick and Gina Paulson will go over supports for students as well as academic requirements. We will be providing you with Tips & Tricks to being a Stuy Parent and going over our online platforms as well as providing you with an understanding of the structure at Stuyvesant and how to naviafe your way through this first year. We’ll also introduce your newly elected freshman representatives to the School Leadership Team and Members-at-large and how you can reach them with your concerns. There will be a questions and answers session with Dr. Yu so don’t miss it!

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Thank you and looking forward to seeing you there.
Dina & the whole Team

Dina Ingram
Business Manager/
Director of Family Engagement
Stuyvesant High School 
212-312-4800 ext. 2731 - Office
347-224-6673  - Mobile