On behalf of the Parent’s Association:

The Fall Election for the 2024/25 academic year will be conducted online during the PA General Meeting on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. 

Remember to register for the meeting in order to be able to vote! It is required that all parents wishing to vote in the election register individually, to access a unique Eventbrite order number that is needed to access the ballot. 
All parents* of students in regular attendance at Stuyvesant are members of the PA and therefore eligible to vote for all positions - not just the positions representing the class year of your student(s). The positions to be filled include: 

PA Officers:
Corresponding Secretary

School Leadership Team (SLT):
Freshman Parent Delegate (1 + Alternate)

Members at Large:
Senior Parent Members-at-Large (2)
Junior Parent Members-at-Large (2)
Sophomore Parent Members-at-Large (3)
Freshman Parent Members-at-Large (4)

Please review the list of candidates as well as the candidate statements in English and Chinese before the election. 

A reminder that no materials/messages in support of a candidate or a slate of candidates may be distributed/posted on school premises/websites, by any candidate or supporter. This includes chat rooms, group texts, parent email lists, newsletters, and social media targeted at the Stuyvesant and/or PA community. Candidates who violate this provision, directly or indirectly, will be subject to disqualification and may be deemed ineligible for office for that election year. (Chancellor's Regulations A660 E.6.b and the Stuyvesant PA By-Laws IV.11.4) 

Thank you!

The Nominations Committee

* Parents are defined to be parents by birth or adoption, stepparent or foster parent, legally appointed guardians, or person in a parental relation to a child or children currently attending Stuyvesant.

Dina Ingram
Business Manager/
Director of Family Engagement
Stuyvesant High School 
212-312-4800 ext. 2731 - Office
347-224-6673  - Mobile         