Good afternoon students,

We hope you have a restful break and enjoy time with family and friends over the holidays. Attached please find Mr. Blumm’s Opportunities Bulletin #27.

This past week was a very busy one at Stuy. We had our first week back in the building with you in-person. We were thrilled to see your smiling faces and enjoy time together. Please look for my Weekly Update on Tuesday, March 30, 2021 in observance of the holidays instead of Monday. We’ll be sharing many photos of community building, games and activities that were enjoyed outdoors and indoors with students as well as on our social media platforms as well as the 2nd Counseling Newsletter!

This past week, we held the first of three administrations for the SAT exam for juniors on Wednesday with success. The next will take place on April 13. A reminder was sent to students and families today at noon along with a link to take advantage of test prep sessions offered by Kweller Test Prep. You will will receive more instructions on Friday, April 9, 2021.

The SLT Meeting took place on Tuesday with Principal Yu reporting on our commitments to Social Emotional Well-being for Students. You may watch the recording at this link and view materials on at this link.

Lastly, today, led by our Student Union, Big Sibs and Club Leaders as well as PSAL Coaches, we held a day of Community Building and Activities today and PSAL Interest meetings. It was a wonderful day were students engaged with their peers in fun games, activities and no classes. You learned from one another, laughed and made new fiends and met with coaches in anticipation of sports and a return to PSAL teams in April. 

Attached you will find a letter from Chancellor, Meisha Porter regarding the Opt-In for Blended Learning for High School students. Translations for families can be found at this link We do not have a date for when students who opt in will begin, however, the deadline to Opt-In is April 7, 2021. If you are interested in coming back to the building, your family must opt-in by April 7, 2021. While instruction remains fully remote, please be assured, that learning at school is ’not the same’ as learning at home. Socialization and being in school with peers and interacting, building community and having opportunities to be outdoors, engage in activities live and face-to-face all happen at the school building. We have grouped pods by free periods and common Physical Education periods and grades so there is more opportunities for students to interact.  The more students who opt-in, the more community exists.

Also attached is a one-pager from the Chancellor containing important travel guidance and information. As we look towards spring break. we want to make sure that all our families stay healthy and safe next week by minimizing travel as much as possible. Translations for families are available at

Please note a message from Athletics Director, Peter Bologna and Assistant Principal, Brian Moran about the return of PSAL Sports in April:

"We are excited to announce the return of PSAL athletics starting on April 5th. All students wishing to participate should submit all the proper paperwork to the coach asap. A complete list of teams and coaches is available on the school website at this link. Please reach out to coaches for questions or to submit the necessary paperwork and read this this PSAL article which is an explanation of the documents needed to be on a team. If you have questions. Please reach out to Mr. Bologna at"

As was announced on March 15, 2021, the AP Exam Payment Portal is open. Dr. Haber will be sending information to all students and families who are registered to take AP Exams with their fee waiver qualification information on Tuesday, March 30, 2021. Please note, the deadline will be extended until April 16, 2021 for AP Exam payments.

Enjoy your weekend, holiday and Spring Break!

All the best,
Ms. Ingram

Ms. Dina Ingram
Director of Family Engagement
Stuyvesant High School
347-224-6673 cell
212-312-4800 ext. 2731 office (M-F 8am-4pm)
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Instagram @Stuyvesanths_NY

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