Good morning students,

Are you a club leader? If so, this message is for YOU! Please plan ahead and make use of the PA’s Fall Funding Appropriations period that concludes on May 14 to make requests (you must have your faculty advisor’s approval and signature to submit). Please submit your application and documentation for requests next term that can be utilized to purchase supplies, hold events, cover registration fees for competitions and more. It is important for you to review this opportunity for your club as schools are extremely limited in the fundraising allowable. Don’t miss this opportunity to support your club, pub or activity!

*NOTE: pay special attention to the PA’s indication of their budget lines and do not submit applications that can be covered under their budget lines, such as inclusion and diversity clubs, speech & debate, robotics, sickly and a few others.

Submit by 5/14  - here is the post below from the Weekly Update with instructions and links to forms:

Ms. Ingram

Spring 2024 Appropriations: Deadline is 5/14/24

On April 17, the Parent's Association is launching their Fall 2024 Appropriations cycle and invites you to submit funding requests for your projects. Please read the instructions and guidelines before you begin filling out the Funding Request Form.

Please email questions to You are so appreciated for the work that you do for the Stuyvesant community.

Reminder that all requests for PSAL, Speech & Debate, Robotics, Music Department, Model U.N., Science Olympiad, Biology Department and Inclusion Initiatives should go directly to the faculty sponsor listed in the instruction letter. Please do not submit the Appropriations form for these requests.

Dina Ingram
Business Manager/
Director of Family Engagement
Stuyvesant High School 
212-312-4800 ext. 2731 - Office
347-224-6673  - Mobile